Author Topic: New Owner of a 1976 750k  (Read 515 times)

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Offline Ford40

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New Owner of a 1976 750k
« on: November 26, 2013, 05:49:13 PM »
So I am the new owner of a 1976 CB750k about a month ago and have been riding it about 10 miles round trip everyday to and from work. Some things I've noticed so far are that the bike wont idle smoothly lower than 2K RPM, it surges at slow speeds/low RPM's, when idling at about 2K the exhaust pops a lot. I also have trouble shifting out of neutral sometimes. When shifting out of neutral i get a loud clacking sound as if gear teeth are smacking into each other and the last thing is that the clutch doesnt seem to grab until the last inch or so of clutch lever travel. I just purchased a carb rebuild kit on ebay to hopefully fix some of the idling/surging issues but I don't really know where to start to fix the clutch problems. Any help you guys can give me is appreciated.

Offline bjbuchanan

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Re: New Owner of a 1976 750k
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2013, 06:24:42 PM »
The clutch engages farther out on these bikes, makes people uncomfortable who are used to what they are used to, nature of the beast

That loud noise when shifting could be and most likely is clutch adjustment. Properly adjusting it will alleviate that mean clunk/clash. Slacken cable by screwing adjusters in at engine and lever. Loosen lock nut and turn CW til resistance is felt. Back ~1/4 CCW and tighten down. Adjust at engine and fine tune at lever for only like 1/8" or so of lever slack.

Does it have a stock airbox? Don't worry about that carb stuff now until you have cleaned them real well, not just carb cleaner squirts, but real cleaning. General consensus is clean and re-use your brass parts because they are usually "better" and just use the gaskets.

You want some real help list carb numbers off the carb like o69b, stuff like that. Your top left search bar is the greatest resource because I can guarantee you can find an answer to just about any question. Then you can ask more pointed questions people will answer better for you

Welcome, post pics or we will shun you ;D
The dirty girl-1976 cb750k, Ebay 836, Tracy bodykit
Round top carbs w/ 38 pilots, middle needle position, airscrew 7/8ths out, 122 main jet
Stock airbox w/ drop in K&N, Hooker 4-1

Don't trust me alone with a claw hammer and some pliers

Offline dhall57

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Re: New Owner of a 1976 750k
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2013, 07:14:06 PM »
Welcome Ford40! Congrats on your 750K6. I've had mine since 2009 and I really like it.

When you get a chance post some pics.
1970 CB750KO
1971 CB500KO-project bike
1973 CB350G- project bike
1974 CB750K4-project bike
1974 CB750K4
1976 CB750K6
1977 GL1000
1997 Harley Wideglide

Offline Ford40

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Re: New Owner of a 1976 750k
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2013, 09:45:17 AM »
Here are pics from when I first got her.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2013, 09:47:38 AM by Ford40 »