Please do stick around. Sure it is tough to quit, if you make it tough to quit. Look at every moment that you think about having a smoke, as a moment to invest. No one wants to loose their investment, so each day passes and soon you realize you made it a week, then two weeks, etc. So when you feel the need to buy a pack, take that money and put it in a safe place for mad money and then go buy that something you wanted with the money you saved, saving your life. When I quit, smokes were $3 a pack. That is over $1000 a year to buy toys and live longer to enjoy them. I am sorry about your Dad and I bet his whole family hated to see him suffer and eventually lose him. When I was going through my 5 major surgeries and 36 days of radiation, you see so many people that are on oxygen and worse. They may be sucking wind, but they aren't living. My cancer is not known to be smoking related, but....... My cancer will be with me till it kills me, unless some of the new break throughs in medicine work. It may take 5yrs. or up to 20yrs., but before that happens I will have many more surgeries, and it will probably be in my liver, lungs, bones and brain before it takes me. People will say, we all will die of something and they enjoy smoking. Of course smoking isn't just cancer, it is also emphysema. In my job as a Realtor, I see so much of this. People laying in beds on breathing machines, stressing their hearts with their poor lungs, that in time, they have a heartattach that thankfully takes them out of their suffering. Being dead isn't so bad, it is the long journey that kills you! Sorry for the sermon..........