correct. needle height changes the amount of fuel added to the system in the throttle range between the pilot jet fuel flow being maxed out, and the main jet beginning to pull in fuel.
dropping the clip a notch(towards the pointy end) INCREASES fuel supply. and vice versa.
get a NEW air filter, and do ALL tuneup items BEFORE you make your carb changes. otherwise you'll be chasing your tail.
question: at what rpm range are you when you pull the throttle 'too fast' and experience the bogging?
if you're at idle, yeah, that bogging is going to happen to most bikes without FI or an accel pump, and to some extent it will happen to accel pump carb'd bikes, too.
if you're up near 6000rpm...all these bikes should respond rather well to a brisk roll-on of the throttle (as you are now drawing fuel through the (larger) main jet.)