This machine is a great learning opportunity. That's what I keep telling myself, over and over. I printed out the instructions for making a pressurized bleeding tool. It occurs to me that, using that pump, I have to compress the air in the master cylinder before I start to compress the air in the caliper. It then occurs to me that I should be able to put a really long hose on the bleeder nipple, fill the hose with fluid, and compress with the pump, forcing fluid from the nipple back up into the caliper and eventually into the master cylinder. The reason for this approach is that I have a bunch of tubing just hanging around (literally) and can do it right away, tonight. To make my own pressure device the other way, I need a spare cap for the master cylinder, plus some fittings. Not a big deal, but I would have to wait. The hitch in the giddy-up that I can see in the push-from-the-bottom method is, will the piston in the master cylinder allow the air to pass? Or should I just forget this crazy idea and stick with what has been proven to work. Recommedations are welcomed. Thanks.