Ed - if you want the closest factory finish, DONT sand off the clear coat. If Oven cleaner and degreaser can't get your engine clean, then probably the factory clear coat has tarnished. Be warned; once you begin removing that finish (clear coat) you are in for some work or decisions.
If you want a simple, clean and low maintenance finish, use a blaster then paint it. Or; blast, wet sand and polish (to whatever gloss you desire). Or; blast, and clear coat it.
The other options are of course powder coat, etc but that usually costs more money and involves more labor to take down the engine further than you may have intended.
If you want to clean it well without damaging the factory clear coat, use a good cleanser and while the surface is still wet, you can use a Green ScotchBrite pad that won't scuff the surface heavily. Then follow with a Mothers style of aluminum paste.
Man, it's a lot of work any way you go. Can't be beautiful without time in front of the mirror... Maybe explains why women take so long to preen.