A little update on this.
This project was finished a while back but I want to leave a complete record and how the problem was solved.
Opened up the box from Cycle-x and pulled out the head gasket.
This aint gonna work.

Called Cycle-x at 3pm on a friday, Jim got a new gasket in shipment that day. Thanks!
After the holiday weekend waited for new nuts and bolts from service honda.
The new 6mm center bolts are now without the JIS in the center. Have to use a thinned deep socket to install the 2 center bolts.

Also took off a smidgen from the 8 dowels, Make sure there was plenty of room on the head for gasket compression.
Top row is pre-smidged!

New MLS gasket arrived. But From reading other posts I realized I needed a milled head and cylinder to use it.
Head and cylinder were not processed from build. They are flat, measure at .002 to .003 gap under a straight edge.
Stashed the MLS for the next engine and pulled out the backup gasket from a previous gasket kit.
After cleaning the old gaskets off I found a divot in the head surface and the mating surface of the left side camshaft carriage.
I didn't picture it but it was located by the second of the 6 pucks. The indentation was a spiral shape about 3/32" across. I think I picked up a metal shaving during the first rebuild, probably stuck to the gasket. This kept the head and camshaft carrier just gapped enough to let one or more of the pucks to fail.
Everything has been together now for a while and seems to be holding steady.
Have to give kudos to brandEn's thread.
http://forums.sohc4.net/index.php?topic=107040.0TL;DR. Debris kept mating surfaces apart, caused oil Leak