Hi Cakey,
I use just a (real thin smear) of permatex non-hardening gasket goo. Some say dry (use nothing), others say use a thin smear of grease (makes it removable for future use). Chose a flavor.
Like everyone says, just snug, but if you have access to a baby torque wrench like this
http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Bicycle-Bike-Torque-Wrench-Allen-Key-Tool-Socket-Set-Kit-/150765303513then just set it to 6NM and let it click. 6NM is a nice setting, both gentle on the threads & leak free. You won't damage anything & it won't leak. This assumes hex bolts (not screws) of course.
When tightening bolts, torquing down, go in a cris-cross pattern on the alternator & gear cover. On the rocker gasket, follow a similar pattern style to that of a head gasket. I.e. So the gasket is pushed from the inside to outer edges. <-- -->
So start from the middle and work outwards, like you would a head gasket. Try and torque evenly to apply equal pressure on all bolts/screws (this minimises chance of leaks).
PS: Use a little wax and grease remover on all metal surfaces and clean up with a razor or wet'n'dry if necessary so everythings flush.