Author Topic: Dyna 5 Ohm Coils + Dyna S Ignition = No Go?  (Read 1136 times)

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Offline zeech

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Dyna 5 Ohm Coils + Dyna S Ignition = No Go?
« on: December 16, 2013, 04:43:00 PM »
A little info first: I'm running Dyna 5 ohm coils with an updated combo reg/rect. The bike has been entirely rewired from scratch and the wiring simplified while using a circuit breaker to fuse the bike. Headlight and hand wired signals. Nothing crazy.

I thought I remember reading something from Hondaman at some point that adding in the Dyna S was a no go on their 3 ohm coils because it would affect some other aspect which I can't remember. Would this still be the case with my current setup?

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Re: Dyna 5 Ohm Coils + Dyna S Ignition = No Go?
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2013, 05:14:16 PM »
Well, based on what we have seen: the Dyna S is designed for a 4 amp maximum load. The 3 ohm coils pose just that, a maximum load. It's then a bit like running the engine at redline all the time: it will do it, for a while.

In the last 5 or 6 years, I've helped a bunch of riders 'solve' their Dyna S troubles that were: it runs for a while, then quits or runs poorly, but after cooling off, works OK again. In most of these cases, it was a Dyna S with 3 ohm coils. That's how I first started making the Resistor Pack: it was to cool off the Dyna S so those guys could ride. It adds 1 ohm to the coil circuit(s) so the "S" sees only about 3 amps, which is 75% of its capacity, helps it run cooler.

This doesn't count the outright Dyna S failures: those weren't solve-able with a Resistor Pack. :(
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

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Offline zeech

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Re: Dyna 5 Ohm Coils + Dyna S Ignition = No Go?
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2013, 05:20:21 PM »
So this same problem persist on the 5 ohm coils since it's more juice? Sorry I don't have much knowledge of coils etc.

Guess I should just buy a new set of points, they work great anyway.

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Re: Dyna 5 Ohm Coils + Dyna S Ignition = No Go?
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2013, 05:25:13 PM »
So this same problem persist on the 5 ohm coils since it's more juice? Sorry I don't have much knowledge of coils etc.

Guess I should just buy a new set of points, they work great anyway.

The Dyna S and the 5 ohm coils get along just fine.

Or, you can stay with the points you have, and get one of my boxes: those existing points will last at least another 10 years then, from all indications we have seen.
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

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Offline zeech

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Re: Dyna 5 Ohm Coils + Dyna S Ignition = No Go?
« Reply #4 on: December 16, 2013, 05:35:00 PM »
I haven't had any issues running the 5 ohm and the regular points for around 3K miles. Would a box do anything different or is that only for 3 ohm coils and Dyna S?

Thanks for the info good sir!
« Last Edit: December 16, 2013, 05:36:55 PM by zeech »

Offline fdbrat

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Re: Dyna 5 Ohm Coils + Dyna S Ignition = No Go?
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2013, 07:23:49 PM »
I'm Dyna s and 5, im happy. I got the box too.
1975 CB750F
4-4, Dyna S and box
5 ohm coils / 5k ohm caps
In- .05 / Ex- .08

San Luis Obispo

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Re: Dyna 5 Ohm Coils + Dyna S Ignition = No Go?
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2013, 09:20:13 PM »
I haven't had any issues running the 5 ohm and the regular points for around 3K miles. Would a box do anything different or is that only for 3 ohm coils and Dyna S?

Thanks for the info good sir!

The 5 ohm coils will work fine with the points: the stock coils were about 4.8 ohms. They make a good replacement for stockers, and have replaceable wires to boot!
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

The demons are repulsed when a man does good. Use that.
Blood is thicker than water, but motor oil is thicker, don't mess with my SOHC4, or I might have to hurt you.
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