Well Boys and girls......
Does Function follow form or does form follow function?
Cafes, Bobbers, and Choppers (at least back in the day) all had a common theme.......
Take off whatever doesn't make it go fast. Modify what's left to make it go faster.....
That's the Yardstick by which to measure. Function. Does it work and does it perform better.
Electric starters were an improvement and still are. Otherwise We'd still be heaving the leg.
That said if you've removed the starter and made your bike faster then good. Function
As stated, my 250 two stroke is kick only. It weighs 120 kilos and has minimal electrics from the factory. Its made to do 1 thing.....go fast. Function
Someone brought up pods......If you have pods and they make your bike faster (function) good!
The problem occurs because 90% of people can't (or wont put the time in) make their bike run right or faster with them.
If you can make it go hard with pods....use them. If you can't .....your a poser and should have stuck with the stock airbox. Simple.
If you've ditched the big battery, starter, unneeded wiring and other bits to make your bike faster...good. While your at it get a smaller stator and a better left side cover to delete the stuff you don't need under it.
Following a trend because it looks cool on the other hand.....also makes you a poser.
I've lost track at the number of bikes that have been hacked up and butchered to call them a "café"
If it works cool. If it doesn't your not cool. Simple
Ridiculously long forks, big beach ball tires, and huge sissy bars were cool once too.