OK here is the full title:
Why do some people when given the golden keys to the magic kingdom fall flat on their face so quickly?
Case in point, my Manager was promoted 6 weeks ago to what one could only describe as the golden keys to the kingdom. He was charged with building a brand new manufacturing plant, tool it up as he saw fit, hire his own crew top to bottom (the number of people would have been around 400 employees), design the full manufacturing process (welding, fabrication, machining, assembly, painting, etc.) and become the facility's plant Manager.
Skip forward 5 weeks. my now ex boss is on his way home from some meetings with several developers and gets pulled over by the CHP. He is tested for drinking and arrested for blowing at least a 1.8, way over the legal limit here. The company is real zero tolerance company, he is gone in less than a day.
Sorry, but I'll not divulge the name of the company or the product as we all know the walls have ears.