Back story:
I found this bike on craigslist for $300 and I jumped on it since it was the exact bike my father had back in the early 80's and I loved his bike! He stopped riding it in 1989 because parts got "stolen" off it (probably my mom).
This is my fathers bike as of now sitting since 1989.
I loved playing motorcycle rider on this when I was a child.

So when I brought this bike home I spent 2 months or so working hard fixing wiring and getting carbs torn down and cleaning and anything I could then all of a sudden... I had no time to work on it with what time I had. so I wrenched on her quietly in the middle of the night while my son and everyone was sleeping and making sure not to make a peep. After awhile I got too busy with my son and the project stopped almost completely. (Insert sad/sob story here)....

I ended up moving into my good friends house who is the first person I met out here after I moved here from California and his garage fit my bike nicely. I started at the carbs and kept moving from there.

With Paint in my lungs and carb dip on my hands I was plugging away and replacing old/worn out parts with new ones that actually work and aren't 38 years old (not that there's anything wrong with old things obviously). The handle bars had to go as we'll with everything that sat on them.

And this is how she sits as of now. Still lots of work ahead of me. I'm going to need a bunch of help and I appreciate any help I can get. I'm a Automotive mechanic but not a bike mechanic so anything I can learn will help my father and I get our machines going after not running for so long.

Thanks for your interest.