Hi everyone
I have bought a joblot of CB750 spares, among them crankcases with the following numbers (all prefaced by CB750E- ):
A: 1035897
B: 1097878
C: 2071504
D: 2522058
E: 2551078
Going by the info in Pete Shoemark's book "Honda CB750 SOHC Super Profile" (*1), case #A is a K0, #B is a K1 and #E is either a K6 or F1. Is this correct, and could anybody fill some of the other blanks?
How accurate is Shoemark's book in general?
Is there anyway to tell if any particular upper & lower crankcase halves constitute a matching set?
Finally I wish you all a Happy and Merry Christmas!
(*1) published by Haynes in 1983.