Tews - this bike is for my 20 year old college boy. He attends Trans Design school in downtown Detroit, and I've relented to altering this bike to suit his design. Problem is, that design changes slightly every few weeks! We know it will be a GSXR front end, we know it will be a mom shock rear, but the seat hoop, subframe and final geometry there keeps shifting. I'm not letting him decide those factors (meaning me cutting the frame) until he finalizes some drawings for his tank and seat.
Also, I'm not willing to cut the frame until I mock it up with the motor installed to insure the proper bracing, layout and position of the final components. Add to that, he's been working 14-16 hours a day all summer (luckily) and we don't get a lot of time together to hash through the decisions.
Recently, we discussed (over the phone, odd since we live together...) just sticking with the stock frame and geometry and putting the bike on the road by end of summer so he can ride it. With over $9.5k invested already, this seems a good idea. I told him we can phase the design changes in. It will add some extra negligee costs (twin shocks in lieu of a single mono, a temporary seat, and powder coating frame twice), but in the interests if time and progress, it seems to be the decision. I'll probably downstream the shocks from this bike to my 550 after the change, and I have a Benjies tank originally bought for the 550 that will go back on it, and the 550 tank to this bike. Since it's painted already and lined, and I can get an aftermarket seat to just plop right on. Easy squeezy!
Now I just gotta get the motor machined (jugs and lower end assembled) and installed in the frame. Then off to online shopping to complete the list of still to buy items and slap it all together. Then to dyno for proper tuning.