Here is the address for Web cam shafts. Stocks springs are ok so the website says. can still buy stock springs from places, about $22 (Yamiya750) for both inner and outer plus postage. Or you could buy some on ebay or a new head with valves and springs and see how you go.
Valves and guides, bronze guides and get some aftermarket valves. APE or cyclex come to mind and I've used both their products, not complaints.
Guides you can do yourself, need to cut the seats afterwards.
As for the helicoils, post a pic so we can see. If you remove the helicoil and the threads look ok, you can either put in a new one or tap the hole out again making sure it is good and put another one in. On assembly, torque down to spec and never over tighten which may have happened by the PO.
If money is an issue, save up as you don't want to skimp on a part and have it fail later on and cause more $$.
Good luck.