Alright so here's the dill, pickles. The weather is getting nice and I'm getting antsy so it's time to put on my game face. I took martin99's advice and I'll be darned if it didn't work like a charm (thanks fella!)! Couldn't believe how easily the threads were fixed, and how nicely the rotor bolt went in after!
Having had a good bit of luck, I should have known this would happen. I was straightening up around the house when I found this suspicious looking character...
Then the stages of denial set in almost immediately... 'I KNOW that's not an oil jet... well maybe it is but it's an extra! I didn't have extras... They're probably not that important, I'll just leave em out...' etc. Well of course I came to my senses, called up the ape himself (that's my brother... you ought to know that by now), and...
Upon removal of the engine, I had another realization. Oil jets come in a set... I had but one. So I tore my house apart to no avail, then proceeded to call every local CB contact I have made in the area over the past two years. Not a single answer, and turns out no one makes those little suckers anymore either! On a long shot I remembered where I had dumped the cardboard box in which Hondaman returned my head to me, found the box still full of packing material, and miracle of miracles would ya look at this??
By now I feel like I've built more like four or five bikes by now than just the one... but nonetheless, victory was ours! Those two tiny little pieces caused such a kerfuffle!