Hey Huero, You must have had the same storm we rode through (or avoided) last night...
Yes, it happened! We were in Lansing, and had to get back to Grand Rapids, but there was about a 5 mile wide storm in front of us...The nice thing about riding in the Midwest is that a lot of it is flat, and you can see the entire storm and go around it...we turned North and rode until we skirted around it...there was a magic corridor down the middle between two storms, and we went right through..there was abought 10 - 15 miles where the road was wet (but the sun was out!)..you could tell that they'd gotten dumped on a few minutes before, but once we got through that it was clear sailing...The wet wasn't too bad, but I must admit, I'm pretty stiff today...must be all the clinching...my tires did ok, but there was a bit of that squirrelly feeling as I went..but we made it...it's funny, every time I get caught with a storm between me and home, I always do ok...maybe it's just thinking about it that bothers me!...Oh, and my CB did just fine, but my buddys '96 shadow had headlight problems!