Dual output coils have each spark lead connected to the opposite end of a single coil. The secondary is thus measured from one spark lead to the other.
The coil primary is measured from Black/white lead to the Blue (or yellow). There should never be any continuity between the primary and secondary of the SOHC4 coils.
I don't know which manual to which you refer. But, coils that operate on other than SOHC4s, particularly single output coils, can have a very different internal connection scheme.
The bike in your avatar is a CB550, which (all years) came from the factory with 10K plug caps. CB750s often (usually, I think) came with 5K plug caps. If those read 9K or above, they are certainly bad.
Coils can produce "weak spark" if the supply voltage is low, the condensers are too "leaky", and/or if the point contacts don't close with minimum resistance.
Feel free to buy any parts that ease your mind. I'm just trying to save you some money.
The good news is I get continuity between the two leads on each coil. What I don't understand is that the manual indicates to also test continuity between the two plug wires on each coil. I get nothing on both the coils.
The primary winding inside the coil should measure ~5 Ω.
The secondary of the coil should measure ~15000Ω
You usually have to select a different meter scale for the two tests. Some meters are auto ranging. I don't know which meter you are using for the test/