Nope, it isn't a straightforward swap. Rear end- you just need to modify spacers, add the 250n/400n brake plate & find a 400f-size sprocket (tricky). Front end - you need N forks, yokes, caliper(s) brake hoses, disc(s), speedo drive, mudguard, spindle. And you end up with a 400F with too soft forks and a 19" wheel. And a speedo that doesn't read correctly. As you can tell, I'm not a fan of this....
If you can get an 18" CM400 wheel, an CB250RS speedo drive, uprate the fork springs, fit last model CB400N-C yokes, make up clock mounts, change the master cylinder, add a CM250 mudguard, get reverse (black) comstars and play with the oil, you do end up with a 400f with twin discs & tubeless tyres, but it's not exactly worth the effort in my experience. An interesting learning experience though!