So I finally achieved success - and I want to thank all of you for your help, suggestions, encouragement, and humor. (The sawzall did enter my mind a time or two.)
I used a few suggestions and I don't know which ends up being "the answer". But I did mix up some ATF/Acetone and really soaked the studs. Of course I had already been soaking them with PB Blaster etc - but the new mixture may have helped. I also bought and used a 3 lb. dead blow hammer - had been using my rubber mallet. And the dead blow really seems to deliver more force without breaking any fins. I also applied the butane torch - and then broke out the really thin scraper.
Using a tiny bit of hammer force - I drove the scraper into the heated gasket area. It seemed to give way more easily and once started - I worked my way around the perimeter tapping the scraper along the gasket line. Once some of the gasket material was out, I used more of the ATF/acetone mix in that space and gave it a rest. Next day, used a 2x2 and a hammer to attempt to drive the cylinders up a little. I knew I was making progress when I saw some of the ATF/Acetone begin to leak out at the stud locations. I next moved to a very small chisel and worked it around the perimeter again, using shims to keep from losing progress on the opposite side. Eventually I had a pretty good sized gap between cylinders (jugs) and the block - but she still resisted my attempts to pull the jugs off. So more prying - now with a small pry bar - and shimming. Getting more space. Now I took two of my ADD pills and began rocking, pulling, swearing, sweating on the cylinders. And finally she gave way.
And now the hard truth. Feeling good about getting the jugs off finally, but now will have to deal with 4 broken studs - one of which is sheared off pretty close to the block - and another six that still need to come out - including three that look like they've been rusting for 20 years or so. But that's another thread!