Just following your example, Mate. Besides, when you are not in the US, you have little actual experience to espouse your opinion. In other words, trying to speak in your language.
The issue isn't Welfare or "Free Money" (which by its own definition can't exist as money is currency with a value, and that can not be a $0 value). The issue on the ever widening gap of income is failed Social programs funded by greater extraction of tax revenue from top earners. Soon, those earners won't be able to fund these programs as their own income will be depleted too far. Surely you understand that? Even IF, you took 100% of the income of these top earners, you couldn't fund these programs plus our other functions.
Failed economic policies only create greater gaps between the "haves" and the "have nots". It's simple math. Case in point, Sub Prime mortgages. Home prices escalated higher due to artificial demand. Those who couldn't qualify for the same home at a lower price, suddenly could afford a more expensive home. That makes sense... And guess what happened? Now those properties are bought back up by the liquid wealth of the "haves" at a far lower price ($0.50 on the dollar of the debt) thereby increasing their wealth.
Then, these "haves" hold them long enough for artificial markets to sell them to, yup, the sub prime buyers at a huge profit. Brilliant!
The "haves" earned their money by not being stupid, irresponsible, and taking financial risk with their money. Begrudge them if you wish, but it shows your ignorance of economics. It's not secret science, it's simple math.
As for a Middle Class under siege; yes they are. All due to failed political and economic policies of funding waste, fraud and legislative folly. Both parties in our country are culpable. Politicians are inherently poor leaders as they are susceptible to coercion and self-interests.
There can never be income equality nor can corruption be exorcised from government or corporations. Man is inherently too swayed by a lust for lucre. That's society. I just choose to not be misled about a social experiment when data proves otherwise. If you think that makes me a "tool", then I'll change my Avatar to a Wrench to satisfy you.
But I'll leave this topic in your ever capable hands...