Retro/Srust - you miss my point. And perhaps, Retro I owe you a bit of an apology for the personal attack much earlier in the thread. Wrong of me, and I do apologize.
My point is this: while I too am a Middle class citizen, but not a "creator, laborer or producer of anything tangible" I have a unique opportunity to bei nvolved personally, and professionally with some true 1%'ers. What I tell you about risk, strategy and investment is very true for many. Certainly not all, but many self-made people.
And yes, I agree, that the employees of these companies do NOT earn a proportional income to the executives. But that is due to the level of responsibility, not intelligence or integrity. As employees, we have limited exposure and regrettably, limited value. We can be replaced by machines, or other people quite quickly. Stand on an assembly line, turn a wrench, dig a ditch, it's all considered commodity labor. And those jobs are often susceptible to being "off-shored" or eliminated without harm to the corporate bottom line. But that is the law.
All these companies (at least those that are publicly traded) have a legal obligation to maximize profit. If they elect to do otherwise, they are in violation of SEC rules governing their diligence. Now, if you are at odds with their practice as a consumer, don't buy their products. If as an employee, you disagree with their culture, don't work there. These are your freedoms and your choices. When unions get involved, the company and the employees suffer the ultimate impasse and those jobs go over seas, companies go bankrupt, etc. Look at the auto industry, electronics, textiles, furniture...
It's not the fault of the corporations, it's their response to legislation that causes these behaviors.the legislative burden to fund programs that don't SOLVE problems is why their is a great political and cultural divide in this country (USA). It's not the erosion of people's concern of their fellow man. That is the voice of frustration from those who work paying for those who don't. And the endless cycle of "more, more, more" coming from liberals and progressives who believe throwing more money AT&T he same problem will yield different results.
From me, I do care about my neighbors, regardless of their race or ideology. That matters not to me. What I resent, is political garbage that self indulges at the expense of citizens all in the name of "social concern". But the core problem is not corporate greed, it's political corruption and narcissism.
I live by simple rules; abide the law, do unto others..., and don't tread on me. And in turn, I won't tread on you, even when I disagree with your perspective. I will (haven't done so well here) remain respectful of our dissent but endeavor not to create discord over it.
Hope that helps explain my postings better. We may still be worlds apart, but at least you may understand my impetus better.