Removed the failing Kreem liner with a couple of steps.
First, I rinsed with acetone and some tumbling media. Followed that with a bottle of Marine Clean (leftover from a POR15 kit) and some hot water. I shook that around with a couple of lengths of chain and some stones.
After that, I used "The Works" method. Neutralized that with water/baking soda and followed up with denatured alcohol and some compressed air.
Normally, at this point, I'd add some gas or, if I'm storing it for a bit, Marvel Mystery Oil. I can still see some teeny-tiny flecks of the old liner hanging on it spots. If the in tank petcock had a better filter, I'd just run it this way.
However, I think since it was so rough to begin with I'll coat it with POR15 or Redkote, just to be safe.