"a chicken is just an eggs way of making another egg"
-my dad when i was 13
i guess he meant the purpose of life is life.
i have had a negative outlook since i can remember, but i will always see kids as more of a #$%* you to the evils of the world than a passive experience of releasing "innocent life" into a "world" that is a certain way- so long as you raise them to be a positive force. lois and I have resolved to keep an eye out for a child that needs to be raised rather than create a new one. there are many such children where we live, and we would take one in in a second if the situation called for it. (not talking about kidnapping here, just organic adoption) this comes from my negative outlook (the same one my dad was trying to talk me out of since i could be talked out) I see the world as nearly hopeless, a distant light at the end of that tunnel keeps me moving foward. this light is based on a hope that one day we will all wake up different. achieved by nothing short of a catastrophe that changes our perspective sufficiently for the type of changes that need to occur to occur. that and then massive amounts of education, and not the crap they tried to pass off on me, i mean perfecting the art of critical thinking in children. i am not religious but sometimes i think i get my world view (in part) from the bible- except i read it as a novel not a textbook. to me the apocalypse is the author's statement of what i just said. using the best production values of the time (words) the author of revelations conveys the catastrophe it will take for modern man to look at the world differently and usher in a "kingdom of god" (aka a world that doesnt seem so #$%*ty.) but it leaves out the part about critical thinking. at least i think it did, i was vrey young when i read revelations. so we need to make that leap, cuz i dont know if jesus is really coming or if he was just a leitmotif.
our problem is symbolism is fluid while reality is not, and we dont speak reality we speak and see and hear symbolism.
so it almost doesnt matter if you have kids or not- except to you, and maybe (tiny chance here) the world. it certainly doesnt matter to these "innocent" lives you are worried about. after all, they will not know any better than the life they live... they will be happy sometimes and sad sometimes, they will laugh and cry and feel real joy and real pain-nomatter what world you bring them into. some of the lowest "standards of living" are occupied by the most content people. whos "standards" are these. or is it the effect a child might have on your percieved freedom that scares you? (which you also question the validity of in this post-post-apocalyptic orwellian lie-cycle we are engaged in?)
so do your part if you can, but otherwise just enjoy the ride. just be a good chicken and make another egg... and remember, none of this is real... we could all be dreaming right now,... and when we wake up the hangover will be cosmic.