whats up?
Got my bike up and running! bought it a few months ago, been restoring it and Ive got it in a ride-able condition, ive been tearing around my neighborhood, no doubt getting all the snowbirds down here in AZ angry from all the noise haha.
Anyways.... When i bought the bike(1973 cb750 k3) the rear taillight was all disassembled and electrical work is just totally over my head.
I grabbed my pops to take a look at it and thought he would have an easy time about getting the rear brake and running lights working seeing as he is electrical engineer and works for NASA. no luck. one way we had it wired the brake lights came on, then reversing that setup we could get the running lights working but never at the same time.
does the circuit reverse when you hit the brakes and turn off the running lights to illuminate the brake lights?
Ill post pics of the the wires and if someone could let me know just what the heck is supposed to connect to what I would be very extremely grateful. I'm worried I'm missing a wire or that this PO wired something differently.
2nd light question: should the hand brake also be illuminating the brake lights or just the foot brake? because right now the brake light only comes on when i press the foot brake.
What does the yellow and green connect to and what does brown connect to in the rear light case?
What does the brown, green and long green one from the bike go to?
it all just seems crazy to me that one has 3 wires and the other has 2 and the results were getting are even more confusing as I mentioned above.
Ive looked at the wiring diagrams but they dont seem to give this level of detail, at least that i understand, of what actually connects.
please tell me if this set up looks typical or what I'm missing
Thanks guys, this will bring me the last step basically to getting the bike totally street ready.