Havoc, one of my goals is to try and locate where that board track was located. I live not far away from Springfield and went to school in the city. The college was down the road (I think) from where the Indian factory use to be.
Keep 'em coming!
Hi Ecosse,
I know this as posted a few years back, but in case you haven't yet been able to track down the location of the old Springfield Stadium board track built by George Hendee in 1909, I can share with you where it was.
Although a bit disappointing today as there aren't any remnants of the track or grounds (the area has been turned into a subdivision) the track was located on a 20 acre lot about 3 1/2 miles out from Springfield Center located between Bay, Marsden, Humbert and Fisher (was Norris St.) The grounds (aka Flagg Park - because the land was owned by George. & Ida Flagg according to a 1910 map and was leased to Hendee Mfg Co.). The ticket booth and entrance was off of Fisher St. and the circular stadium/board track was on the southern portion of the lot behind (north of) the ticket booth.
I don't know how long the track existed there, but it is clearly marked on a 1910 map but is not indicated again on the 1920 map, just the empty acreage attributed to the Flaggs.
Center of the track would have been at about:
42 07'47.64n 72 32'25.44w