Everything has sort of taken a back seat while I deal with....life.... but this bike is still alive. I just sold my other two 550's (Oh! The pain!...
), and this one will be coming home as soon as I make a spot in the garage.
It still needs a little jetting work. Taking what I learned on my other 550K, I have four new emulsion tube/needle jet sets. I'll deal with final jetting, timing and syncing once I get those swapped over.
I still need to wire up the speedo drive and get the seat pan upholstered, too. For some strange reason, the tach on the Danmoto doesn't work. We've traced it down to a faulty Danmoto, which sucks because they've always been really good. I'm undecided what to do about that right now. It's been way too long since I bought the unit to send it back. Maybe I'll run a small analog tach? Or and LED strip of lights? or, just do without.
The vintage, old school....circa 1975...Kerker sounds like nothing else on the market these days. Absolutely amazing.