Dave - I need your attorney's number. I laughed so bloody hard when I saw that pic that I feel and struck my head on a brand new LSL bar set. That, laid a gash across my scalp that sent me flying. Of course, out of control from pain, delirious with a concussion, and eyes filled with blood, I couldn't see and stepped on a member's tank I have for repair.
This of course sent me stumbling further into the "new parts" pile which I subsequently sent scattering. This in turn alarmed the cat who went flying into my wife who, in her haste to lend aide, came running from the kitchen, pot of boiling water still in hand. I needn't tell you what happened next.
I'm writing from the hospital burn ward, where in a few moments, after removing the maggots that are feasting on my dead flesh, they intend to take me into surgery to remove said set of LSL bars (did I mention they're still stuck in my head?) in hopes of restoring my higher brain functions.
Please be a gent and forward that along so that my wife and children don't become indigent should I fail to recover. BTW, my lot of bikes will be up for grabs...
Rest in peace-