Chef, do a compression check ASAP. Do it as we discussed. A 4 cylinder CB750 won't run on 0 compression.... Or 35-50 lbs...not enought power made to to effectively do what's needed! I learned on a single cylinder Honda SL 90 a lot about what it takers to run a normal Honda single, a 750 just 4 working as a team!

So my experience, you need 100-110 minimum to run and be able to ride at all without fouling plus etc. the little SL 90 @ 100-110 would still run and pull me. Once it got to 90 psi, it would run, but it wouldn't pull my weight anymore. If you do a compression check you need the engine to get all the air possible. Carbs off the best, but make sure butterfly's/ throttle valves all wide open! Pull all 4 plugs, do one cylinder at a time. Turn engine with charged up battery til needle stops! Record it ,do all four. Let me know. Wilbur, I would imagine you didn't have throttle valves wide open or engine spinning fast enough. Anything down around 100-110 going to be under powered and using more fuel. Wilbur ,chime in, if you do it over, let us know.Good luck all, Bill
Compression low, a leak down will tell us where .