Keeping this thread alive.
I just recently got into film. Was shooting digital for about a year prior. I still shoot both. One is not better than the other. They both have their merits and faults. If I want to have fun shooting, I'll shoot film. If I want to get the picture taken and be able to share it online quickly, I'll shoot digital.
With that being said, I prefer film, simply because I enjoy the experience. They're always unique conversation pieces as well, especially when you get away from 35mm and into larger formats. ESPECIALLY when you're shooting around people who grew up with it.
I shoot mainly cruise nights and other classic automotive related events. Cameras have the same effect the cars do. They bring back memories. "I remember taking my old Nikon F with me on a trip across Europe and meeting the most interesting people," etc etc. If it's not the nostalgia, it's the curiosity of the uniqueness. I've been playing around with a Mamiya C33 (TLR). Everyone's always curious why it has two lenses, why it's so big, etc.
I also shoot with a Canon A-1 with a Speedlite 199A. Not much to say about that.
I do about 50-50 between B&W and color. The B&W I can develop myself, though I haven't yet. I JUST picked up a complete developing setup, but no printing capabilities. I have an Epson scanner 4490; may upgrade to V5-600. The color I just send off to get developed. I have no desire to get into developing it myself. I'm still getting used to everything myself.
Not really digging the TLR anymore. It was mainly for my woman, who hasn't used it yet because she's not up to par on exposure and such. She's working on it though. I just bought myself a Mamiya RZ67 Pro II setup though. Can't wait.
Also forgot, I have a Miranda Sensorex, which was my FIRST film camera. I still use it occasionally. Bought a bellows for it, and I'm having fun with it. Very difficult to work with, especially with a crappy tripod. Used about 6 of the 36 exposures. Gonna take me a long time to get through it.
Some of my film shots.