Hah, lived to 40yrs eh??
Here is a scripture from the book of psalms
Psalm 90:10
"The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away."
There you go fellas. Either 70 or 80 yrs before you kick the bucket, and this is *old* information, a lot older than a couple of hundred years ago.
I was initially sent to Lutheran school for the first four years in my "formative youth". This is where I recall being told of very long life spans of our ancestors. Our shortened life spans are (reportedly) continuing punishment for Adam eating an apple and other subsequent sins. Before that, we could have been as eternal as God, our proclaimed creator. We've been paying for Adam's and our sins ever since. ...or so I was taught.
Bible quotes?
"ADAM (930)
Genesis 5:5 (KJV) And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.
Genesis 5:27 (KJV) And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years: and he died. "
As time went on, lifespans were shortened, either by God's wrath, or a polluted gene pool, take your pick.
"Consider this: If Genesis 6:3 did not exist in the Bible, it is still evident that man's lifespan was shortened from:
being infinite,
to about 900 years,
to about 120 years,
to about 70 to 80 years
...based on the genealogical record found in the Bible. "
http://wiki.answers.com/Q/When_did_God_shorten_the_human_lifespanThen there is science...
Your expected optimal lifespan has a root encoding in your genes. Yes, there are aging genes that you inherited from your parents, carry with you while you live, and pass on to your progeny. Geneticists are working to enable changing those genes.
http://io9.com/345728/geneticists-discover-a-way-to-extend-lifespans-to-800-years800 years? I expect suicide rates would preclude that. And mankind has a poor track record for "humane" or mutually beneficial treatment while competing for limited available resources.
I'm thinking even 500 candles on the birthday cake would probably be enough to burn your house down with you in it.
Perhaps there is some eventuality in the Highlander stories that, in the end, there can be only one? No, we CAN'T just all get along. Never in the history of mankind. Is that last cup of water for your son or mine?