The F2 cam is a good one, in general. It opens at 0 BTC, and if you're looking for more midrange response instead of high-end HP, you can advance it about 5 degrees for easier starting and idling, especially with the big-bore engine. Or, you can obtain a Megacycle 125-00 (or their reweld version, the 125-04) and have a well-behaved engine with more power through most of the RPM band, although it does not get strong until past 4000 RPM.
The Webcam 41 (or 41a) cams have a lot of overlap. This reduces compression ratio, increases spitback into the carb throats, and puts the power band up to about 6500 RPM starting point. At 3000-4000 RPM, all it will do for you is foul sparkplugs.
The F2 cam, stock (0 BTC opening), begins powerband around 5000 RPM. If advanced 5 degrees, this becomes about 4400 RPM. This one would be pretty happy at 3000-4000 RPM ranges. Advancing it 5 degrees will also reduce your compression a couple of tenths of a number, and reduce spark knock tendencies by cooling off the combustion temps a bit. This is because the exhaust will open a little sooner than, say, a K0-K6 type cam (5 degrees sooner), which will let some of the unburned fuel exit the head above 3000 RPM.
The Megacycle 125-00 is a near-exact copy of the "85 HP" Yoshimura cam (slightly optimistic number) of the 1970s that ran in Dick Mann's famous Daytona win. It has strong power beginning at 5000 RPM, to 9000 RPM peak, and is well-behaved on the street. I've probably done more of these than any other performance cam, and can advise on the tuning if you care.