Welll, this is the first that got my attention.
And this is the bike that converted me.
That brings back memories mate. My partner and I went out to Windsor, west of Sydney for a long weekend with some friends way back in the 80's, One of the girls that came with us brought a friend who was a real tosser {hero}, anyway, on this large property they had 2 old cars {bush bashers}, one of those little Honda's and a HR holden 6 cylinder sedan, it took us a couple of hours to get them going, my mate Craig and I were in the old Holden, the tosser was in the Honda, after about 10 minutes of screwing around I decided to see how fast the Honda could go...
So i cam up behind tosser and started pushing him, he wasn't screaming yet, we pushed him up to about 50 MPH and I gave the steering wheel a flick in the old holden and the Honda turned side on, we were still traveling at around 50 with this little Honda, now sideways and 2 rather large streams of dirt going straight over the roof off the tyres from the sideways Honda, and tosser boy screaming his lungs out....
He was real quiet for the rest of the weekend....