I spend maybe 200 hours tryed to run this CB 350 F and still nothing...
What I try:
Engine overhaull, timing chin new and set right, valve clearance 0,05mm intake, 0,08 exhaust
Carbs ultrasonic cleaned, emulsion tubes too, new gasket, synched
New ignition coils, new spark plugs, ignition set with stroboscope lamp
here is my problem:
New/cleaned spark plugs, cold bike and it starts great, run great. After warm up idle good, above 1/6 throttle run great but above 6000 rev´s start back firing. Between idle and slight open throttle no power and try to die.
After 5-8 miles idle gone bad, backfiring is worse, problem idle-open throttle is worse too. Spark plugs gone black. I try to lower float level with no progres. With different air screw setting is better/worse but not good.
I am helpless...please if anyone could help...
Thank you very much!