Well... SHE'S ALIVE!!!
I adjusted the built out a new set of bars (new throttle, and clutch lever, as well as new cables), mounted the carbs, wired up the ignition and starter, filled with oil and gas.
Looks like at least the lower portion of the tank is sealed! No leaks so far but I only put about a 1/4 tank worth of gas in.
Turned the petcock on to my newly rebuilt carbs for the first time, the bowls filled up, AND crap! There comes gas out the #3 overflow tube. A couple taps on the bowl with a screwdriver handle... All is good. No leaks since.
Took the tappet covers off #1 and #4 and ran the starter with no spark to make sure oil was getting to the head. Everything was wet with oil. All looked good. OK, ignition on. Hit the starter for a few seconds, nothing. Hit it again - heard it sputter. OK, thats promising. Repeat this a few times with a buddy giving a little throttle and holding the choke closed (choke able rusted and won't pull) and finally it started up!!!
Let it run a bit, and dialed up the idle screw so we could let go of the throttle. And there it was, purring away.
Killed it and started it a few more times and after the first start it fires off FAST with no issue. Also kicked it with ease.
So two initial questions.
1. The kick start would not catch with the clutch pulled in. Only with the lever out. Thoughts on this? Is that normal? Doesn't seem super safe to me.
2. This is less comforting. As we back down the idle screw to see if if would hold a nice 1200 RPM idle (which it did very well), it got quite enough for us to hear a rattle coming from the transmission area inside the crank case. I need to do some more trouble shooting but any thoughts on this? What to check and in what order?
I will try to get the noise on video and post it.
Overall I am thrilled! First bike first project and its running!! Can't thank everyone enough for all the help and support!