I used to know what my member number was and now, can't remember or find it either. Could someone give me a hand?
Like a number of you, I have been around here quite a spell myself. Joined up in Dec of 2005 myself. And, there IS no better place than here and the company here, is Fantastic. Been a few who stirred things now and then, in the past, but Glenn has given us an Awesome place to come together and share ideas, experience this place has become like a family. I certainly have gotten a ton of support and help, when I needed it and consider you all Family. I wasn't ion on the original forum, like some, but have really enjoued what I have been in on and looking forward to how ever many years I have left, participating here and enjoying you all's company.
And, Thank You Glenn for your efforts to improve on things as time goes on. Always been a pleasure being here.