So I've been bored lately. I was looking around in my shed the other day and I saw my 98 kx250 that i bought for 115$. The longest I've had the motor running is about 1 minute. Every time I would get it going it would seize up and I would find small chunks of metal in the exhaust port and wedged in between the crank and the crankcase. I'm not sure where its coming from because once I get the metal out it turns over fine. If anyone knows what that is I would love to know because I'm stumped.
But anyway, I figure that motor is shot. So I've been thinking, since I've got a bill of sale for this bike I might as well put a streetable motor in it and ride off into the sunset. If anyone has a cl360, cb450 or similar sized parallel twin motor from some other manufacturer, I'd like to get some measurements from ya. These dirtbike frames are small so obviously I will be having to make some modifications to the frame. The one thing I don't want to do is buy a motor and realize I would have to stretch the frame to make it fit. If i could get the overall width, overall length, overall height, the position of the drive sprocket, the position of the exhaust ports, a measurement from the front of the motor to the inlet of the carburetors, a measurement from the bottom of the motor to the top of the carburetors and the width of the rearmost section of the motor (transmission), that would be great. Please don't talk me out of this. I need something to do or I'm going to go jump off the highline bridge.