well it's been a while... but a couple of days ago a big and heavy package arrived from mike so now i'll be able to continue! opening it felt like christmas in may.
here are the goodies:
cylinder from different angles

it's been decked to make sure it's all straight end even

looking down the barrel - it's 59mm

i can hardly recognise it the way it cleaned up!
these guys will find a nice warm home in there:

they're wiseco 59mm, 10:1 CR
then the head
all nice new bits installed

oversize intake valve - exhaust is stock

an exemplary intake port, with mike's great work

and an exhaust port

intake guides are tapered.
this is something like a stage 2.5 porting from mike, stage 2 with some extras to make it more efficient.
intake manifolds

a megacycle 126-00 cam

... and a few other bits and pieces like mls gasket, slotted cam sprocket, etc.
the stuff is so beautiful, it almost hurts having to hide from daylight inside an engine.
on the other hand, it should perform really nicely. as i'll be using this bike mainly for touring i want really strong mid-range and some increase in topend, but not at the expense of reliablity and longevity. so it's not as radical as a racer but should still go pretty well.
i cleaned the cylinder bores today - tomorrow it's time to get to work