went for a few days on a camping trip to the belgian and french ardennes - that's beautiful curvy roads in the hills and along creeks, nice little villages and great beers
there were 6 of us, a larger group than i usually prefer but it went all well. bikes were a mixed bunch: 2 k100 (one rs, one regular), a thruxton, a multistrada duc, an r80/7 and my 550.
so yes, the beemer fraction was strong and apart from the minority brit we were joking about being a two-wheeled representation of the axis powers... yeah we're not exactly a politically correct bunch
all the bikes lined up in some tiny place in belgium
campsite on the semois river
breakfast prep
lined up outside a roadside cafe/bar
planning session in the evening
in floreffe, in the baground the abbey where they make the famous beer.
sampling the local brews
as this is a build thread not some vacation blog, here some observations:
i took a litre of oil just in case - you know how much i used? nothing. nada. niente. that with luggage and pushing it hard on small roads, lots of accelerating and high rpms. considering that many people say that these old CBs will always leak or burn some oil, i'm pretty chuffed with that.
my 550 was the oldest and smallest capacity bike in the pack. however, it was definitely not slowing anything down. in fact, most of the time on these small roads it was me and the thruxton leading with the rest lagging behind. so the work put in the bike so far seems to have worked
of course on a wide straight highway it would've been a different game...
and <cough> <cough> the new cam worked a treat, especially for touring with gear it pulls rather nicely.
yeah i know... i owe an update on this but didn't get to writing it up yet.