I've been here for a while. Have heard all kinds of ways to free a really stuck engine after years of sitting out in not some of the best conditions.
It has occurred to me on more than a few occasions that once broke free, that some owners would run it. Not for just a little while, but run it until they think the inside is clean. Am I right in suspecting that this actually happens?
I've seen the "Ran it til the smoke cleared up" or "it took a couple months to get the smoke to clear and the rings to get loosened up enough to seal". in threads before and thought surely these engines must have been broken down, cleaned out, at least honed and re-ringed. I thought someone must have been kidding. Lately I've been thinking breakdown doesn't happen as much as I think, could that be true?
I ask because every motor that comes in my garage gets torn down once it's free. I've found most every ring is compressed and rusted tight to the piston and usually rusted to the cylinder walls, that in all cases require a hone or a bore. Most times it takes some real careful work to get the rings off and sometimes they don't come off. Half the valves are usually stuck in either open or an un-sealable positions and will require at least a good cleaning and oiling and in most cases a light lapping just to be sure they will seal on their own. Cases are always split, rust and clutch dust removed, parts inspected,chains replaced, oiled while assembled, cylinders honed, rings gaskets and clutch... because that's the way it's done. It's all lots of fun and I know what I got in the end, I 've never done it any other way. I treat these engines like I would a truck engine, that's the way I was taught and can hardly believe that there is any another way to do it that could skip any one of these steps.
It could quite possibly be just in my mind but,I think I've understood some threads as just cleaning the carbs and using the motor oil as a douche to clean up the rest of the problems....just drain it in 100 miles?.....well, I just don't know.... this idea is so foreign to me that I can't understand why those motors would stay running for any period of time without further damage.
This is only a reality check for myself. I need to know what the rest of the world is doing, definitely not trying to belittle anyone or their style of build... maybe I'm not reading deep enough into some threads or some things automatically happen and deserves no discussion or pictures... I don't know but, does what I suspect really happen?