He was still with us, when my Wife checked at about 2am and when I got up at about 7, I checked and I couldn't tell if he was breathing or not. So, I got Michelle and we realized that he had passed. So, anyway, we have called Hospice and the Coroner's office has come and the funeral home has come and gotten my Dad. Even knowing, is not helping. Then, to add to that, my brother's daughter (the one who called the Sheriff's Dept and Adult Protective Services on me) some how, found out (the Lady at the funeral home swears that my number is the only one she has and she will try to find out who called her. Anyway, I have already had it out with my brother's daughter through texts and she is REALLY throwing some crap out and she wonders WHY my Dad disowned them? Besides, my Dad has just passed and she wants to know the details of the service? Really? Give me a break! I am so mad that I could bite Nails in two!!!!!!!
And I Love how she refers to being "FAMILY"! Sorry, but this is just so typical my brother and his bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!