Author Topic: And So It Continues...........  (Read 814 times)

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Offline bill440cars

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And So It Continues...........
« on: March 04, 2014, 12:29:01 PM »

        I didn't want to put this in the thread about my Dad's passing. Those of you, who know what my Dad and I went through, to get him away from David and Jan (my "blood related" brother and his 5th wife). Well, my Wife, Michelle, said that David needed to know about Dad's passing. I told her that David was not a decent person and I finally relented and she promised to stay outside and let me know how it went. We had already had a rouind with his daughter this morning, before the Coroner could even get here and check him out. We are still trying to figure out how she knew, because the funeral home knew not to contact David or Jan or anyone else. Anyway, Michelle wanted to nicely let him know about Dad. David said if it was me who came, he would break me like a twig and to tell me that it STILL isn't over and slammed the door in her face! Yeah, that's David alright! I had to let the Lawyer know about my Dad anyway and was going to also let him know about David's comments. I am going to let the Sheriff's Dept. know about this Apparently, David still doesn't know about the new will or anything else my Dad and I put in place. I had already been told that IF David or any of them set foot on the property, just call 911 and they'd take care of it. Said, "Don't bother waiting for him to do anything, just call. So, here we go again. 
Member # 1969
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Offline faux fiddy

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Re: And So It Continues...........
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2014, 01:03:46 PM »
It is unfortunate.

I would recommend giving him any of his share of anything in a will and get him out of your life with his signature.
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: And So It Continues...........
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2014, 01:20:04 PM »

         David will only be satisfied with everything. He was supposed to get half, since there were only the 2 of us and he tried to cheat me out of what was rightfully mine. He has never really cared about what was right, in most people's eyes, only what was in HIS best interest. My Dad Had a new will made and in his words, which can be back ed up by Dad's Lawyer, Dad said,"I want Him (David) to get nothing and Bill to get everything". The lawyer said that David had to be mentioned, because if he wasn't, then David could get a lawyer and claim that he had been forgotten. So, The lawyer put in there that David would get my Dad's Love And Affection. (Originally, it read that David would get the Love & Affection & $10. But I guess the lawyer thought about how David was not even trying to negotiate and kept wanting things HIS way and I can only guess the Lawyer decided Dad was right, when he said, $10, seems like a bit much". Cause he left out the money. Anyway, to give David anything, would not satisfy David and would be against what my Dad had decided, after all the trouble David caused, not to mention that David and Jan tried to get "Custody" of my Dad and went to court to try to do that. Didn't work though.   
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
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Offline faux fiddy

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Re: And So It Continues...........
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2014, 01:28:08 PM »
Sounds like the lawyers are going to get their share.

I hosted my out of towner while my father was in the hospital. The day after Dad died he said he was going to file a restraining order and get me out of the house I had lived in for over a decade.  I changed the locks and I am still there.

As for his spending habits I think he has gotten even  better at making money that is not his go away. His boyfriend has been good at helping with that, so I named him in the suit to get my inheritance, too.  More people and places to garnish wages. He was about to file bankruptcy. Three months later he paid cash for a house.  Still no accounting provided.
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Offline Bailgang

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Re: And So It Continues...........
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2014, 03:41:39 PM »
I don't know why but money can do the craziest things to families. A friend of mine got along fantastic with a sister of his, both would always go out to dinner together with their families and basically just have fun. That is until my friends parents passed and inheritance issues drove them apart. Same thing happened when my Grandmother passed, my mom and an her brother had a feud over the inheritance which really wasn't hardly anything and haven't been on speaking terms since. I hate to admit but it was my own mother who was out of line about it so me and my brothers still stay in touch with our Uncle regardless of how our mom feels about it.

I really do hope you can bring this situation with your brother to an end quickly Bill.

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Offline honda_dog

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Re: And So It Continues...........
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2014, 04:17:06 PM »
This is unfortunate..... I hope everything works out.... remember, you need some time to grieve.
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: And So It Continues...........
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2014, 07:02:24 PM »

       For those who joined up here, after 2008, unless you find the thread about my Dad's Situation ( I think that is what it was originally titled, you really don't know what all we've been through with David and Jan. I can tell you that they really tried to put my Dad in a nursing home, take what he had and put me out in the cold. in early 2007, my Dad had already asked me to be the Executor of the will and around Dec of 06, David called me, found out that Dad had done that and hung up shortly after, Next thing I knew, in early 07, Dad had a low level of oxygen in his body and was not thinking clearly and they had him diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer's. Then, with him not thinking straight, they convinced him that I was stealing from him and he took me off of everything and put Jan in my place. So, in June, they put him in the hospital (Pneumonia or Congestive Heart Failure, don't remember which) and put him on oxygen. I went to see him, even though he acted like he didn't want to see me. I kept on going anyway and by August, he opened the door of his home and I could tell he had his wits about him and he started telling me what they were doing. So, we started working on turning things back around to me. We really weren't moving very fast on it, like we should have been doing. Next thing I knew, I got a phone casll from Jan in July, on a Sunday afternoon, around 5:30 and was informed that they had put him in the hospital again (with one of the problems I mentioned earlier) and I got right down there and found him, without THEM and he knew then, that we had to get on with getting him clear of them. So, we got to it. But, it was a long drawn out process. It included me making alot of trips from Western Arkansas, to Little Rock and also to Perryville (near his home) and back, for quite a long time. And, before it was all said and done, they took him to court, to get guardianship over him and failed, Big Time. So, Soon as I could, I moved him to Western Arkansas, where I lived and worked at getting him therapy, to get him out of a wheelchair and onto a walker. Got him a nice apartment in an Assisted Living Home (we had no room at our home) and I was there every day, That is the basics, there is more, but if you cam find the thread, IF you want to see just how much trouble they were and apparently are ready to give more trouble again, then go for it. My Dad was mad enough, to disown them and forget he had a 2nd son. So, IO don't see this being over til they get a really good lesson and MADE to leave us alone. The Sheriff's Dept told me that IF they even set foot on the property, call 9112 and they WILL BE escorted! So, I guess time will tell. I AM going to talk to them, at the Sheriff's Dept and see what steps we can take, especially considering that david said he would snap me like a  twig, if I show up where he lives and for me to know that it isn't over yet. He has no clue!
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
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Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
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