So, no high compression 592 dynoman piston kit with a MRiech ?spelling, sorrk Mike I can't keep it straight? Stage 2 or 3 head porting work and good streetable cam yet?
I guess the dual discs will lessen any twisting forces caused by a single disc. The stock font end flex quite a bit compared to modern setups, but you tranfer the stiffness of a stronger front end you just move the force into the frame. You reach a point you can't improve it. Most never or rarely push the bike to detect it or appreciate understand how much it impacts the cornering and handling. You have a good fork brace that lessens the twisting greatly.
You may want to play a bit with the viscosity of the fluid given your new brakes will change the rate of dive if you aren't carefull even with the gold emulators.
Nothing wrong with blending fork oils if they are the same material/oil. So, a 10% 20W with 90% 10W puts you into a blend not easily available in std selections without moving to a silicone-based fluid unless the dirt bike riders have it and I am unaware of it. Just speculation on my part. I may be totally off base.
This bike is a struggle to leave it alone. I wanted to keep it closer to stock. Since the motor was in such good shape, I did not rebuild, but only refreshed the top end.
The stock exhaust was rusted through, otherwise I would have kept it. The replacement was fine, but I wanted to try a different pipe.
I kept the brakes semi-period correct up to now, but they are somewhat subtle since I went with black.
I am not going to do any more serious mods. If the engine ends up needed a rebuild down the road, I might just do a +1 over.
This bike runs like a sewing machine. It's a great little fun bike.