Back at it with the 550K1!
After a setback a year or so ago trying to develop a hydraulic clutch actuator and the slave cylinder not providing sufficient throw, I decided to go with a proven solution -- Godffery's Garage's Oberon-Hydraulic clutch conversion cover.
Jeff aka Godffery starts with a CB500 clutch cover (yes, a CB500 cover for a CB550 clutch), mills a hole in the center and attaches an Oberon slave cylinder to a plate (that is tig welded into the inside of the cover) and has the cylinder actuate the clutch pushrod. And (for added functionality) mills a second hole into the lower right potion of the cover for an oil sight glass. Here are some progress photos of the cover coming together. To say I'm excited about it is an understatement.
Milled cover, Oberon slave cylinder and mounting plate
CB550 HCK V.3 3093 by
Donald Leonhardt, on Flickr
Cover milled for sight glass (check out that sweet machining)
DSCN3893 by
Donald Leonhardt, on Flickr
Sight glass mocked up and ready for tig welding
DSCN3895 by
Donald Leonhardt, on Flickr