Author Topic: Where does the cam chain tensioner o-ring go? Cb550  (Read 373 times)

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Offline Anton

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Where does the cam chain tensioner o-ring go? Cb550
« on: March 08, 2014, 11:14:52 AM »

There is an o-ring for the cam chain tensioner. Does this go on the adjuster bolt before you install it so that it site on the inside of the engine or does it go on the outside of the engine under the washer an nut?

I just got the whole top end back together and realized this :-\


Offline LesterPiglet

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Re: Where does the cam chain tensioner o-ring go? Cb550
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2014, 11:21:41 AM »
Outside, under the washer.
'Then' and 'than' are completely different words and have completely different meanings. Same with 'of' and 'have'. Set and sit. There, their and they're. Draw and drawer. Could care less/couldn't care less. Bought/brought FFS.

Les Ross.            Certified by a Professional

Offline Anton

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Re: Where does the cam chain tensioner o-ring go? Cb550
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2014, 11:24:26 AM »
Thank you good sir, you just made my day!