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Offline Lost and Confused

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Back Surgery's
« on: March 09, 2014, 01:11:25 AM »
I just had my third back/neck surgery. Mine is from the type of work I did and the repitions. This one was the worst as far as pain. It was a Lumbar 4/5 fusion. I'm into my 6th day  after surgery, and with the pain meds I can't sleep. Just trying to get some feedback on pain scale, length of P.T., and if anyone had to stop riding. It seemed to me that I had to blow someone to get painmeds. Plus the quality of care has really gone in the dumper. First night after surgery, I was in angony, and when the doctor's ass't come in and say's how is your pain, and I explode. I tell them that everyone is different with how much pain med you need. They just shake there head.With today's medicine no one should have to suffer with pain after surgeries.

Just venting, Bob

Offline KRONUS0100

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Re: Back Surgery's
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2014, 04:45:16 PM »
have been without insurance or pain meds last 4 months.  going on year 7 fighting with social security over my disability.  first surgery was 2000 for trashed disc and tailbone damage.  now ive been told that im beyond surgery because they would have topull my vertebrae apart to get in and fix where the broken vertebra healed and caught the nerve.  they can not understand the amount of pain.  come to find out i have a disease in the bone, have lumps forming on the buttbone, and the very tiny holes in the tailbone and bottom vertebra are filling in, cutting off bllod flow and pinching the nerve.  the worst isnt the pain, its the continuous ice cold feeling in left leg, especially the foot and the knee. I have taken up drinking to combat the pai since i have no insurance or disability or pain meds.
the thing with social security relaly eats me because they agreed with my doctors and thier doctors that im screwed as far as my back goes. i will continue to ride as long as i can continue to hold the bike up safely.  riding the horses is a no go cause i cant get up into the saddle anymore.
current bikes:  1976 CB750F, 1981 GS1100E
bikes owned:1981 GL1100I, 1990 GS500E, 1981 GS850, 1977 and 1979 GS750, 1974 CB750, 1975 CB750, and a 1982 GS750E

Offline Lost and Confused

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Re: Back Surgery's
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2014, 07:51:37 AM »
Hey Kronus, the doctor told me when setting up this surgery that I have something called "DISH".Another name is Fortier's disease. He said that most people who have it have just 3or 4 vertebrae affected. Me, I have it in my entire spine, hence the neck surgery. The biggest problem I found in all this, aside from insurence, is the pain management that you get. Every patient has the right not to be in pain!!!. I think when you talk to your surgeon the first thing to talk about is your pain comfort zone. Med can be adjusted very easily. If you can't sleep, or rest after surgery go can't get better. Funny thing after my recent surgery is I was in alot of pain so taking Perocet. My next door neighbor is a pharmasist, and said maybe I should suggest going the nerve route for pain relief, instead of pain pills. So we did, it's been a week since surgery, started taking new med last friday, wow!!!!!!!. I'm not taking pain meds at all, can walk without walker or cane and can sleep all night

It's really bother's me when I hear that someone like yourself has no insurance, but give it to illegal aliens. I hope your social security case works out. Either way I feel your pain.
