Our cars before the wall came down were considered the cream of east block countries. The problem was of course production and distribution, especially replacement parts were big business on the black market.
From what I remember:
Czechoslovakia - Skoda cars, Praga trucks, Tatra - cars and trucks, Jawa and CZ motorcycles - 2 stroke
East Germany - Trabant, Wartburg - 2 stroke cars, MZ motorcycles, 2 stroke
Russia - Ziguli/Lada - licensed Fiat 124, Zaporozec, Moskvic, Volga, Ural and Dnepr motorcycles (copy of BMW), trucks ZIL - I am sure there was more
Poland - Fiat 125 and Fiat 600
Yugoslavia - Zastava, known as Yugo in the west
Romania - Dacia, licensed Renault I think
It changed after the wall came down with imports from west germany, VW purchased Skoda and whipped it in shape, they are doing quite well now, Jawa is dying and reviving for years now, but they have no real plan, CZ is gone. East German cars did not last long - especially because of the 2 strokes