If you're attempting to rotate the motor, especially if it's seized, from the points side of the crank, DONT. Use the stator side bolt. Yes, it's much smaller, but it is much stronger (as you've just discovered).
I can tell you from current experience with another seized 500 motor, patience, penetrating fluid, fire, and muscles are about the only thing that's going to free those cylinders. There are many fluids and methods for releasing them, but I used Kerosene and filled the cylinders, lit it afire, then kept adding more to keep the flames going for about 2 hours on and off.
If that's unavailable to you, you can also use SeaFoam as a flammable. It's pretty safe and burns well. It will burn off, so adding more is required. If fire is not your thing, try MEK from the Home Center. It's a very aggressive "solvent and stripper". Very aggressive. Use protective gear, but it works really well.
But stay off that points side bolt...