If you'd look up the part number and cross reference it this is what you'd find:
CB750A A (76) MOTORCYCLE, JPN, VIN# CB750A-7000001 TO CB750A-7007331
CB750F A MOTORCYCLE, JPN, VIN# CB750F-1000002 TO CB750F-1015054
CB750F A (76) MOTORCYCLE, JPN, VIN# CB750F-2000003 TO CB750F-2022317
CB750K A (77) MOTORCYCLE, JPN, VIN# CB750-2700009 TO CB750-2729534
CB750K A (78) MOTORCYCLE, JPN, VIN# CB750-2800001
Wobbly missed the 75 F and the 76 A
You guys should really learn how to use your tools at hand:
http://www.motogrid.com/pages/OemParts?aribrand=HOMLook up the part number on the left and insert it on the right, click 'search' then click 'select model'