Author Topic: Proplems removing paw pins  (Read 921 times)

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Offline Thousandson

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Proplems removing paw pins
« on: March 17, 2014, 05:09:34 PM »
So I got a cb450 for free. Awesome deal, but it sat out side for three or more winters. She was covered in snow more then a few times, wile waiting for me to bring her home and tear into her. The internals have some rust, but its cleaning up fine.

I have a picture below, I got one of the paw tumbler pins out with out a problem. I've already removed all of the pin clips. The other two pins are the problem. I can't get much of a grip on the very top of the pin to grab and pull. I had an idea of heat, but if anyone has any good ideas it would help.
BTW:pins are hardened, can't drill and tap out.
Current ride: 78' Cb750F

Offline tbpmusic

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Re: Proplems removing paw pins
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2014, 05:30:20 PM »
A magnet works best for me.......
"If you can't fix it with a hammer, then it's an electrical problem"

Bill Lane
 '71 CB450 Mutant/ '75 CB200/ '81 CM200/ '71 C70M

Offline Thousandson

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Re: Proplems removing paw pins
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2014, 05:49:18 PM »
Rusted in, tried that.
Current ride: 78' Cb750F

Offline tbpmusic

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Re: Proplems removing paw pins
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2014, 07:21:17 AM »
Rusted in, tried that.

OK, that's a problem.
I guess you could try penetrants/heating, might work with a magnet then. It at least is in a semi-restricted area, you might be able to apply some MSR and let it work on the rust for a while.

Alternately, you could tack weld a screw or bolt to the pin and yank it out. It might damage the pin, and they are NLA from Honda. You may be able to scrounge some used replacements from folks here, or at another forum.

Good luck - gotta' get those things out.........
"If you can't fix it with a hammer, then it's an electrical problem"

Bill Lane
 '71 CB450 Mutant/ '75 CB200/ '81 CM200/ '71 C70M

Offline tbpmusic

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Re: Proplems removing paw pins
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2014, 07:46:51 AM »
A bit more -

I had a CB200, the brake pedal rod was firmly rusted in, couldn't get it out without damage, and no replacement part available.
I laid the bike on its side, ran a string from a small container of MSR, and let the string "wick" the MSR to the afflicted area.
After a couple of days, the MSR dissolved the rust, and I got the piece out with no damage.
Here's a photo, the bike is on its side, and a paint can cap is the MSR reservoir......

"If you can't fix it with a hammer, then it's an electrical problem"

Bill Lane
 '71 CB450 Mutant/ '75 CB200/ '81 CM200/ '71 C70M