You got lucky on your rims that the chrome didn't continue to peel off. It's an age old argument about whether you really need a blasted surface or not. Well of course many of us have had successful Candy jobs over polished chrome plating, aluminum or stainless that are still going strong today. I have never had a return from Candy colors peeling off chrome plating that hasn't been blasted. Is a blasted surface better, Yes. Is a non blasted surface not as durable, Yes. But does that mean it will peel off tomorrow, next week, or possibly never. No one knows. For numbers sake lets say a blasted surface is 100%, what is a non blasted surface, 90%, 75%, 50%? Who knows. If all that is needed for most applications is 50%, then we are probably safe to continue shooting candies on chrome. Use you best judgement on where to use the different applications. You don't want to use a Candy on a polished surface that sees a lot rocks and debris thrown at it, but it has it's uses.